Living Lab 2 – Antwerp
LL2 contributed to and utilised the PRECINCT Reference Framework models to establish a dependencies map between CIs in the Antwerp region using in the first place the Multidisciplinary Emergency Operational Command Post (CP-OPS). The CP-OPS coordinates the action between the different emergency services and prepares situational reports, informs relevant authorities on the evolution of the event and advises the competent authorities. Under the coordination of Vias Institute, the CP-OPS organised during the LL2 the use of the Serious Games to specify threat scenarios focusing on cascading effects and to identify vulnerabilities and evaluate enhanced resilience tactical and strategic options. This was used to specify new information sharing processes between key CI operators including the water distribution company Water-link and sources of regional mobility data.
Initial threat scenarios
The threat focus in LL2 was flooding and disastrous consequences of global warming with cascading effects on the water CI and its impact on the traffic CI. Antwerp is seeing an increasing number of flash floods due to heavy rainfall.